If you are going to research Druids and Calendars it will not be very long before you come across the Coligny Calendar. This engraved bronze tablet was discovered in 1897 in Coligny France, once the home of the Sequini tribe and for this reason it is also known as the Sequini Calendar. A similar calendar was found in nearby Villards d’Heria but only 8 small fragments of that one remained. The Coligny Calendar is the most important evidence we have for a calendar of the Celtic tribes, and therefor the ancient Druids.
Continue readingMonth: June 2020

Building Stonehenge. Learning to tell the time, and the ancient Astronomical origin of English feet and inches.
For some, the allure and mystery of Stonehenge and other sites like it is a driving force of (re)discovery. Many people down the centuries have spent countless hours studying these sites in ever greater detail. Looking for the clues of meaning, ritual and how the place was constructed. We are now very confident that at least one use of the site was as an ancient astronomical calculator, measuring the motions of the moon and sun resulting in a Metonic Calendar. Continue reading