The Calendar indicates festivals when the sun marker lands in a hole marked with a sun flare. In Ancient times festivals were celebrated over a number of days, and modern practitioners do not always agree on the exact timing of the festivals. For the spring equinox for example, some simply go with a specific day such as the 21st of March. Others will look to the time and date at which the sun is halfways between its most northerly and southerly rising points. Yet others will watch for the sun reaching 0 degrees of Aries on the tropical zodiac.

Because the Sun marker moves every 6 or 7 days, the Calendar will indicate each of the eight festivals for approximately a week. Because the lunar months do not line up with the solar year the dates of each festival will change each year. This is further complicated by the inclusion of leap moons.

Solstices and equinoxes will always occur near the first new moon of a season. In a season with 3 moons, fire festivals will occur around the second full moon, and in a season with 4 moons, the fire festival will be around the third new moon.

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