The perpetual pagan ritual calendar

Druidcraft Calendar for the Northern Hemisphere


Practice the ancient pagan art of parapegmatism with your very own Druidcraft Calendar.

The box contains the Druidcraft Calendar board, the eight pegs required to use it and an introductory booklet to the exciting world of the Druidcraft calendar and Parapegmatism.

The board is made from polished Birch ply with the design laser engraved for a high degree of accuracy and detail. Manufactured in the UK by Protopart LTD, this stylish and detailed edition of the calendar would look beautiful on any table or wall.

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The Druidcraft Calendar for the Northern Hemisphere

Just as the ancient druids taught of the movements of the heavens, so too can you. Begin your journey of discovery and attune with the cycles of the sun and moon today with your very own Druidcraft calendar.

This peg and board calendar (or Parapegma) is based on the ancient Metonic cycle and the Stonehenge Aubry holes. This combination of systems allows the Druidcraft Calendar to precisely track the repeating 19 year cycle of the sun and moon, marking all the important festivals, eclipses and other astronomical events along the way.

By simply moving three pegs each day, the Druidcraft Calendar will give you insights and understanding to use it for a surprising number of functions, just some of which include:

  • Timing the celebration of the eight Sabatts. The four Celtic fire festivals (Samhain, Imbolc, Beltane and Lughnasadh) and the four annual solar festivals (Summer and Winter solstices, Spring and Autumn equinoxes).
  • Predicting astronomical events such as Solar and Lunar Eclipses, Lunar Standstills, Blue Moons and Meteor showers.
  • Telling the time of day or night.
  • Recording the position of both the sun and the moon in the zodiac.
  • Predicting local tides.
  • Recording the current phase of the moon.
  • And much more!!

The Druidcraft Calendar really is like having your own mini Stonehenge at home.

Additional information

Weight 1.84 kg
Dimensions 48 × 48 × 5 cm

Laminated Birch




Laser engraved


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